Duchess of Angouleme's Bathroom -Chair by Ferndale Sims -Floor by Sky Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber 2 -Door to Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber is in the Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber zip -Door to Duchess of Angouleme's Unknown Room is in the Duchess of Angouleme's Unknown Room zip -Wall from the Duchess of Angouleme's Bathroom zip -Chair from the Salon of Mercury zip -Table from the Boudoir of the King zip Duchess of Angouleme's Library or Dining Room -Door to Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber 2 is in the Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber zip -Table from the Boudoir of the King zip -Other wall from the Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Chamber zip -Chair by Dincer Hepguler Duchess of Angouleme's Unknown Room -Wall from the Dauphin's Grand Cabinet zip -Fireplace stove base by ingrid_dav Duchess of Angouleme's Inner Cabinet -Wall from the Dauphin's Grand Cabinet zip -Fireplace stove by ingrid_dav